Who is codingGinja?

In short, I am someone who is breaking into the Software Engineering world. A decision that took me a lot of years to stumble upon even though I had multiple signs pointing me towards this career choice. Well, what can I say, good decisions take time.
Head to my About page if you want to know more about me.
Front-End Development
When you are fresh to the Software Engineering world you have no idea where to start or even worse, you want to start with everything. It took me some time to decide and start with Javascript and hence Front-End Development but no one knows beforehand what they are best at, you only need to start to find it out; step by step.
To get where I want to be I am taking a self-taught approach.

Web Design
One of my last career branches was Web Design. I took time to deepen my Graphic Design knowledge, improve Adobe Suite skills including Adobe XD, and apply it all to various WordPress projects using Elementor. I am currently doing freelance work on Web projects while I am studying.
Check out my portfolio to see the projects I have worked on. Business website is coming up soon too.
Forever Student
I believe that learning doesn’t end with your diploma. I also believe that human brains are capable of way more than we let ourselves achieve. I am never stopping my studies, as a developer, designer, writer, mum or human being in general.
Check out this blog post to know more about my interests.

My latests blog posts

Consumed a coding course, what now?
Don’t feel that you need to know and understand everything after completing just one course. There is so much new information every second that it’s unreasonable to expect us to know it all after watching 20 hours of content.

Learning hack that might help you land a job
Choosing a good source of information is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, but it’s getting harder every day to do it because the internet is full of choices, so full that even getting to choose one takes time. We are used to seeing rankings of top universities of the world, but who is doing the global rankings of all those online courses out there?

How this project found me and why I can’t resist it
An opportunity to translate Javascript tutorial to Lithuanian, how the browser asked me to do it and what I did to decide if I should. Also some more advice for beginners like me.

Why I decided to start this blog and why it’s in WordPress
I encourage anyone to start with an already working platform.
Contact me for a chat
You have a project in mind, a development job role that you could see me filling in, want to share your ideas or you are looking for a study buddy. I am all ears (well, more like reading eyes).
Otherwise you can also use my newly created and deployed codingGinja Newsletter signup app to receive the latest news.